Bleak Future of Pregnancy Behind Bars After Dobbs
Training, Education & Dissemination
Training, Education & Dissemination
Photo by AbsolutVision
Control Over Contraband Devices Eludes Prison Authorities
'Plainly grossly inadequate'
California Voice: Find better ways of dealing with state’s dying prisoners
Incarcerated workers: overlooked as essential workers
COVID-19 in US prisoners, staff at triple the community rate
Suicides increased 85% in state prisons, 61% in federal prisons, and 13% in local jails.
....leading the charge to employ the formerly incarcerated
A Fight to Expose the Hidden Human Costs of Incarceration
Access to Medications for Opioid Use Disorder in U.S. Jails and Prisons
White House Invests $700 Million to Fight the Spread of COVID-19 in Prisons and Jails
Thousands to be returned to prison after state of Covid emergency ends.
Challenges of interpreting vaccination data by carceral agencies
State prisons are increasingly deadly places (data before Covid)
How Covid Tore Through the U.S. Prison System
Study Finds Increased Incarceration Has Marginal-to-Zero Impact on Crime
Show Me the Data!
Local Spending on Jails Tops $25 Billion
Jails and prisons are virus hot spots, but politics could slow efforts to inoculate their residents.
Why protecting prisons from COVID-19 is everyone’s problem